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How to create a key pair on Windows

Last update: July 8, 2024

* This page introduces the key pair creation method using MobaXterm. This setting assumes that MobaXterm has been installed beforehand. Please refer to here for installation instructions.
If you are using TeraTerm or PuTTY, use similar function in them.

How to create a MobaXterm key pair

  1. Start MobaXterm and click “Tools” > “MobaKeyGen (SSH key generator)”.
  2. Click “Generate” in the center of the screen.
  3. Once key generation has started, move your mouse randomly around the screen until key generation finished.
  4. Save the public and private keys.
    • Public key:
      • Start a text editor such as Notepad.
      • Copy the text in the red box (the string starting with “ssh-rsa”) and paste it into a text editor.
      • Save the file in a suitable folder. (The “Save public key” button does not need to be clicked because the format is different.)
    • Private key:
      • Enter your passphrase in the “Key passphrase” field.
      • Click the “Save private key” button and save it in an appropriate folder. (The file extension will be “.ppk” (PuTTY Private Key).)
  • The passphrase is an arbitrary string of characters that you will be asked to enter when logging in via SSH, so please remember it.
  • If you do not set a passphrase, unauthorized login will be possible if your private key is leaked. We STRONGLY recommend that you use a private key protected by a passphrase.
  • Please use uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols for your passphrase, and set a string of at least 12 characters.