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Project Participation Procedures

Last update:October 3, 2024
If you belong to a foreign organization, please contact the application office at request[at]iii.kyushu-u.ac.jp.
If the user's nationality is outside Japan, if there is a possibility of access from outside Japan, or if it falls under a specific category, the user is required to submit a confirmation form for the use of the computer.
Specific category applicability determination chart is here

Procedures for project participants

  1. Log in to the portal with your portal account and click on "Join a project" from the menu on the left side of the top page.
    • If you have already joined one of the projects, “Join a project” will not appear.
      Click on the supercomputer account starting with “ku” at the top of the page, and click on “New project” to display “Join a project”.

  2. Enter the project ID that was sent by the project leader and click "Confirm".

  3. Check the displayed information and click "Apply" if there are no problems.

  4. Application for participation in a project is complete upon approval by the Project Representative and the Center.
    Please wait some days to complete.

  5. Once your participation in the project has been approved, the following email will be sent to the email address registered in your portal account.
    Subject:Supercomputer account notification
    Your new supercomputer account a member of ****** (******), is created.
    The accout name is ******.

    The initial password is written in `genkai:~/.initial_password`.

Procedures for the Project Leader

  1. Log in to the portal site and click on "Add points and storage" from the menu on the left side of the Top page.

  2. The project ID is displayed in the "Project Information" section (string starting with "p"). Send this ID to the participants of the project.

  3. When a participant requests to join a project, the "Approval Request for Project Participation" will appear in the "Announcements/News" section of the Top Page of the portal.

  4. When the project participant information is displayed, check the "Approve" checkbox and click "Confirm."

    If the project participant is a non-resident or a person who falls into the "Specific category", please complete the "Confirmation Concerning Use of Computer" form below, save it as PDF, and upload the PDF file to the portal as "Confirmation letter PDF".

    Confirmation Concerning Use of Computer

    Please note that due to deemed export control, non-residents and those who fall under the "Specific Category" must undergo review by the Office of Legal Affairs of Kyushu University.
    It may take up to one month for the review to be completed before project participation.

    After that, the center staff will approve the application and notify it to the project participant by e-mail with the supercomputer account information.