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Microsoft Azure CLI, CycleCloud CLI

Azure CLI is a command line interface (CLI) that allows users to perform operations on Microsoft's Azure cloud service using commands. It allows operations related to resource management of cloud services, which are usually performed using a console on a web browser, to be executed as Linux commands. Therefore, it can be used to connect Genkai to cloud services, for example, by automatically performing a series of investigations using shell scripts.

CycleCloud CLI is a tool for managing clusters on Azure. It allows you to create clusters on demand with the configuration you need, and remove them when they are no longer needed.

Please note that the Genkai account contract does not include cloud service resources. the center does not accept requests for contracting cloud services on behalf of or using cloud services. ct the following for information on using AWS.

Contact Microsoft Azure Sales


Module name Version
azure_cyclecli 8.6.2


Azure account creation

To use the Azure CLI, you must first create an Azure account. See below for information on how to create an account.

Build in the cloud with an Azure account

Running Azure CLI commands

Login to Azure

To start using Azure CLI, you need to log in to your Azure account with the following command after logging in to Genkai.

$ az login --use-device-code

After running the command, you will see a URL and a temporary authentication code as shown below. Open the URL in a browser on your PC and enter the authentication code.

To sign in, use a web browser to open the page https://microsoft.com/devicelogin 
  and enter the code XXXXXXXXX to authenticate.

Then, enter the account name and password for your Azure account in your browser and authenticate with the device you set up when you created your account to complete the sign-in.

Run Azure CLI command

The Azure CLI allows you to perform various operations on Azure by specifying Azure CLI command names for the az command. The names of the Azure CLI commands that can be executed can be viewed below.

$ az help

Running CycleCloud CLI commands

Select a module

To start using CycleCloud CLI, log in to Genkai and select the azure_cyclecli module with the following command.

$ module load azure_cyclecli

Run CycleCloud CLI commands

The CycleCloud CLI allows you to perform various operations for managing clusters on Azure by specifying command names for the cyclecloud command. The names of the ParallelCluster commands that can be executed can be viewed below.

$ cyclecloud helf

You can also browse the usage of each CycleCloud CLI command by specifying help after each command. For example, the following command will show you how to use the account command.

$ cyclecloud account help


Please see below for detailed instructions on using the Azure CLI and CycleCloud CLI.