Last Update: 27 Nov. 2024

GAMESS (The General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System) is the ab initio molecular orbital/density functional theory calculation program. A wide variety of wave functions and basis sets allow calculations of the chemical properties of molecules. Parallel execution is also possible.

Available users

Kyushu Univ. users Academic users Non-academic users


Module name Version
gamess 30 Sep 2023(R2)
Refer to the following page for the usage of modules:
Module usage


Setup Environment

$ module load intel
$ module load impi
$ module load gamess

Working directory

Please make a working directory in your home directory.

$ mkdir ~/scr

Program extension filename

The GAMESS input filename must have the extension “.inp”.


#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L node=2
#PJM -L vnode-core=36
#PJM -L elapse=1:00:00
#PJM -j

module load intel module load impi module load gamess > output

$GAMESS_DIR/rungms exam01 00 36 18

Set the number of nodes to 4
Set the number of cores per node
Set maximum elapsed time to 1 hour
Standard output and standard error output to the same file

Setup Environment

Execution of GAMESS

The script indicates an 36 parallel executions through 2 nodes (2 x 18 cores) using exam01.inp as input file. The arguments of the GAMESS execution script rungms have the following meanings.

Argument number Description
1st argument Input file name (excluding extension “.inp”)
2nd argument GAMESS version (fixed at 00)
3d argument Degree of parallelism
4th argument Number of processors (cores) per node

GAMESS output results are output to standard output.



GAMESS homepage