Mathematica Usage

Last updated: July 1, 2024

Translated by Microsoft Copilot

Mathematica is an integrated environment for scientific and technical computing. It is used in various fields of scientific and technical computing, including not only numerical calculations and symbolic computations, but also neural networks, machine learning, image processing, geometry, data science, visualization, etc.

※ Please note that the use of Mathematica is currently limited to members of Kyushu University. Also, the usage form is to use Mathematica installed on the ITO server in a command line (CUI) or X Window (GUI) environment. Please be aware that you cannot install Mathematica on your own PC.

Usage Environment

  • Node Group A, B, C, Login Node
Version Kyushu University Members Academic Research Institution Members Private Users

How to Use

Environment Settings

Using Mathematica 14.0.0

$ module load mathematica/14.0

Starting Mathematica in a GUI Environment

Please log in to the X-Window environment.

$ module load mathematica/14.0
$ mathematica

Starting Mathematica in a CUI Environment

$ module load mathematica/14.0
$ math

Batch Processing Script

CUI/GUI environment for Mathematica programs that cannot be run at scale are executed by batch processing.

#PJM -L "rscgrp=a-batch"
#PJM -L "vnode=1"
#PJM -L "elapse=1:00:00"
#PJM -j
module load mathematica/14.0
math < program.m

In the example, the Mathematica program program.m is requested to be processed in Resource Group a-batch.

Reference Materials


Wolfram Language & System Documentation Center