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Intel Compiler, MKL, MPI

Last update: 27 Nov. 2024

The Intel compiler is one of the software components of the Intel oneAPI base & HPC toolkit. This page mainly explains how to compile programming languages Fortran, C, and C++, and how to create scripts for batch processing.

Available users

Kyushu Univ. users Academic users Non-academic users


Module name Version
intel OneAPI 2023.2
intel/2024.1 OneAPI 2024.1
Refer to the following page for the usage of modules:
Module usage


Commands of Intel Compiler for compilation and linkage are as follows:

Language Command Optimization options*1 OpenMP*2
Parallel without MPI Fortran ifort -xCORE-AVX512 -qopenmp
C icc
C++ icpc
Parallel with MPI*3 Fortran mpiifort
C mpiicc
C++ mpiicpc

*1 Recommended option for creating optimized load modules.
*2 OpenMP options are disabled by default.
*3 Please load the MPI library module for MPI parallel.

Compilation and Linkage

Setup Environment (module)

module command should be executed at the compile time and the execution time.

OneAPI 2024.1

$ module load intel/2024.1

OneAPI 2023.2

$ module load intel

Intel MPI

$ module load intel
$ module load impi


Use icc / icpc commands for C/C++ programs without MPI, and mpiicc / mpiicpc commands for C/C++ programs with MPI. (Following examples show commands for C programs. Change the command to icpx and mpiicpx when you compile C++ programs.)

Example 1) Serial C program

$ icc sample.c

Example 2) Thread parallel C program with OpenMP

$ icc -qopenmp sample.c

Example 3) Process parallel C program with MPI

$ mpiicc sample.c

Example 4) Hybrid parallel C program with OpenMP and MPI

$ mpiicc -qopenmp sample.c


Use ifort command for compiling and linking Fortran programs. To compile parallel programs with MPI, use mpiifort command.

Example 1) Serial Fortran program

$ ifort ample.f90

Example 2) Thread parallel Fortran program with OpenMP

$ ifort -qopenmp sample.f90

Example 3) Process parallel Fortran program with MPI

$ mpiifort sample.f90

Example 4) Hybrid parallel Fortran program with OpenMP and MPI

$ mpiifort -qopenmp sample.f90

Frequently Used Options

Option Description
-c Create object files only.
-o filename Specify name of the executable file. “a.out” is used by default.
-On Specify optimization level (n=0–3). n=0 means no optimization. -O2 is used by default.
-fast Use a recommended set of optimization options. (Same as -xHOST -O3 -ipo -no-prec-div -static -fp-model fast=2)
-qopenmp Enable OpenMP. Disabled by default.
-opt-report[n] Reports on the optimizations applied in the compilation. Larger n means more detailed information. (Default n is 2, and no report is generated when n=0.)
-opt-report-routine=string Report on the optimizations applied on functions or subroutines with the names that include specified string.
-qmkl Link mathematical library Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL). Mainly used for tuned BLAS, LAPACK and vector numerics library, etc. Refer to the next section for details.
(for Intel MPI) Link the thread-safe MPI library.

This option should be specified for the programs that chose MPI_THREAD_FUNNELED, MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED or MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE as the thread mode.
If -qopenmp or -parallel is specified, thread-safe MPI library will be linked without this options. |
| -ilp64(for Intel MPI) | Assume all integers appear in MPI functions as 64bit integer. (Supports ILP64)
Used in the case -i8 option is specified for Fortran programs. |
| -free or -nofixed(Fortran only) | Notify that the source code is written in free format. |
| -fixed or -nofree(Fortran only) | Notify that the source code is written in fixed format. |
| -extend-source number | Notify that the source code is written in fiexed format with the line length of number. Default value of number is 132. |

Refer to the document of “Intel HPC Toolkit Documentation” for detailed information about options.

Intel Math Kernel Library

Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL) is a library for numerical operations tuned for Intel processors. Specify -qmkl option to link this library.
This option accepts additional sub-options. -qmkl=sequtntial links the non-parallel library. -qmkl=parallel links the thread-parallelized library. -qmkl=cluster links the MPI-parallelized library, such as ScaLAPACK, FFT and direct sparse solvers. -qmkl without sub-option means -qmkl=parallel.

MKL has the following functions:

BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, BLACS, PBLAS, Sparse BLAS, sparse matrix arithmetics (includes PARDISO), Fourier Transform, partial differential equations, non-linear optimization solvers, data-fitting functions, GNU multiple precision (GMP) functions, vectorized mathematical library (VML), statistical functions (including pseudo random number generator), etc.

Batch Job

On subsystems A / B of GENKAI, programs should be executed as Batch Jobs.

Refer to the following page for details about batch jobs:
Batch Job

Followings are examples of scripts for executing programs compiled by Intel Compiler as batch jobs.

Example 1) Serial Program

#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L vnode-core=1
#PJM -L elapse=0:10:00
#PJM -j

module load intel

  • 1 node, 1 process, 1 core(1 thread)
  • Maximum Execution Time: 10 minutes
  • Store both standard output and standard error into the same file
Example 2) Thread Parallel Program (OpenMP)

#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L vnode-core=16
#PJM -L elapse=1:00:00
#PJM -j

module load intel

  • 1 node, 1 process, 1 core(16 threads)
  • Maximum Execution Time: 1 hour

Example 3) Process Parallel Program (MPI)


#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L vnode-core=16
#PJM --mpi proc=16
#PJM -L elapse=1:00:00
#PJM -j

module load intel
module load impi

mpiexec ./a.out
  • 1node, 16 processes

Example 4) Hybrid Parallel Programs (MPI + OpenMP)


#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L vnode-core=32
#PJM --mpi proc=4
#PJM -L elapse=2:00:00
#PJM -j

module load intel
module load impi

mpiexec ./a.out
  • 1 node, 4 processes, 8 threads

Example 5) Process Parallel Program (MPI) with single node (exclusive use)


#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L node=1
#PJM --mpi proc=32
#PJM -L elapse=2:00:00
#PJM -j

module load intel
module load impi

mpiexec ./a.out

Example 6) Process Parallel Program (MPI) with multiple nodes (exclusive use)


#PJM -L rscgrp=a-batch
#PJM -L node=2
#PJM --mpi proc=120
#PJM -L elapse=2:00:00
#PJM -j

module load intel
module load impi

mpiexec ./a.out
