(English follows Japanese) 

九州大学 情報基盤研究開発センター 研究用計算機システムニュース   No.551


1.αxSC2023Q セキュリティとスーパーコンピュータシンポジウム開催のお知らせ 

(過去のシンポジウム https://ri2t.kyushu-u.ac.jp/symposium/ )

■日時: 2023年7月31日(月) 13:30 - 18:15
■開催形式: ハイブリッド
 - 現地: 九州大学情報基盤研究開発センター 2階 多目的教室
 - オンライン:参加者にオンライン会議アドレスを送付
 13:30 - 13:40 開会あいさつ
  岡村 耕二 (九州大学 副学長、情報基盤研究開発センター長)

 13:40 - 14:25
 講演者:小出 洋 (九州大学情報基盤研究開発センター 教授)
 14:25 - 15:10
 講演者:高倉 弘喜 (国立情報学研究所
           ストラテジックサイバー レジリエンス研究開発センター長)

 15:10 - 15:30 休憩            

 15:30 - 16:15
 講演者:小谷 大祐 (京都大学学術情報メディアセンター 助教)
 講演題目:「Zero Trustの概念に基づくアクセス制御の幅広いサービスへの適用に
 Zero Trustの考え方に基づくアクセス制御が注目されている。これを組織のシステ
 ムに適用するためのアーキテクチャとしてZero Trust Architectureがあるが、これ
 とで幅広いサービスでZero Trustの考え方に基づくアクセス制御を実現しようとし
 16:15 - 17:00
            バイオメディカル情報解析分野 教授)

 17:00 - 17:45 総合討論

 17:45 - 18:15 まとめ 


九州大学 情報統括本部 HPC事業室
 Mail: request(at)iii.kyushu-u.ac.jp ※(at)は@に置き換え

(This is translated using the AI translator DeepL) 

Kyushu University RIIT Supercomputer News  No.551 (2023.06.13)

        RIIT Supercomputer System Web

1. αxSC2023Q Security and Supercomputers Symposium to be held 

This symposium will be held under the theme of "Something x Supercomputer".
This symposium is designed to provide an opportunity for those who have not had much contact with supercomputers and those who are already using supercomputers in the field of
who have not had much contact with supercomputers before, and those who are already using supercomputers, will give lectures on their own research and work in the field of "something".
and participants will exchange their opinions based on the presentations.
The symposium will be held to exchange opinions among the speakers and participants based on the lectures.
(Past symposiums: https://ri2t.kyushu-u.ac.jp/symposium/)
This year's symposium will focus on "security" as the "something" and will feature speakers who are researchers specializing in security, as well as supercomputer users.
and researchers who specialize in security and users of supercomputers who need security technology will be invited as lecturers.
We invited researchers specializing in security and supercomputer users who need security technology as lecturers to introduce their current research and to discuss future
We also aim to find new possibilities through discussions on expectations and requests for supercomputers in the future, as well as on points that are unclear.
The aim is to discover new possibilities through discussions on expectations, requests, and unclear points regarding supercomputers in the future. 

Date: Monday, July 31, 2023, 13:30 - 18:15
Format: Hybrid
 - Location: Multipurpose Classroom, 2nd floor, Kyushu University Information Infrastructure Research and Development Center
 - Online: Online conference address will be sent to participants
Sponsored by: Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University
Cosponsored by: Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University
 13:30 - 13:40 Opening remarks
  Koji Okamura (Vice President of Kyushu University, Director of Research and Development Center for Information Infrastructure)

 13:40 - 14:25
 Speaker: Hiroshi Koide (Professor, Research and Development Center for Information Infrastructure, Kyushu University)
 Title: "What if the attacker and the defender of a cyber attack had supercomputer computing resources?
       resources of a supercomputer
 Abstract of Lecture:
 An attacker in a cyber-attack uses all available technologies to launch a cyber-attack.
 The attacker in a cyber attack uses all the available technology at that time to carry out a cyber attack. In addition, the attacker conducts a cyber attack using the greatest computational resources of the time.
 In this situation, the defender also has to use the largest computing resources available at that time. In this situation, the defender also needs to protect the information system from cyber attacks by making full use of the technology and the maximum computing resources available at that time.
 In this situation, the defender needs to protect the information system from cyber attacks by making full use of the technology and the maximum computing resources available at that time. In this lecture
 In this lecture, we will discuss the application of supercomputing related technologies in the field of cyber security.
 The presentation will discuss the application of supercomputing-related technologies in the field of cybersecurity.
 14:25 - 15:10
 Speaker: Hiroki Takakura (National Institute of Informatics)
           (Director, Strategic Cyber Resilience Research and Development Center, National Institute of Informatics)
 Title: "How to Uncover Invisible Cyber Attacks
 Abstract of Lecture:
 Now that more than 80% of communications flowing through networks are encrypted communications such as https, it is no longer possible to detect attacks by matching patterns in communications content.
 It has become difficult to detect attacks by matching patterns of communication contents, and it has become possible to use high-speed processing such as integrated analysis with communication behavior analysis and threat intelligence.
 It has become difficult to detect attacks by matching communication patterns, and it has become necessary to introduce methods that require high-speed processing, such as integrated analysis with communication behavior analysis and threat intelligence.
 In this presentation, I will introduce these studies that NII is working on.

 15:10 - 15:30 Break            

 15:30 - 16:15
 Speaker: Daisuke Kotani (Assistant Professor, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University)
 Title: "Toward the Application of Access Control Based on the Concept of Zero Trust to a Wide Range of Services
       Toward the Application of Access Control Based on the Concept of Zero Trust to a Wide Range of Services
 Abstract of Lecture:
 Due to the limitation of perimeter type defense in networks, it is necessary to verify that users and information assets are in a safe state without implicit trust.
 The Zero Trust concept is based on the concept of access control that does not place implicit trust on users or information assets, verifies whether they are in a safe state, and grants minimal privileges based on the results.
 Access control based on the Zero Trust concept has been attracting attention. Zero Trust is an architecture for applying this concept to an organization's system.
 Zero Trust Architecture is an architecture to apply this concept to an organization's system.
 This architecture is based on the premise of an environment in which users and information assets can be controlled, and it can be applied to individual services and various types of use that are not tied to the organization.
 It is difficult to apply it to services for individuals who are not connected to an organization or to higher education institutions where various types of usage exist.
 In this presentation, the speakers will discuss their research on Zero Trust for a wide range of services by securely distributing information used for verification.
 This presentation will introduce a framework that the speakers are researching to realize access control based on the Zero Trust concept for a wide range of services by securely distributing information used for verification.
 framework that is based on the concept of Zero Trust.
 16:15 - 17:00
 Speaker: Masao Nagasaki (Institute for Biomedical Research and Innovation, Kyushu University) 
           Biomedical Information Analysis, Center for High-Depth Omics Science, Kyushu University
            Biomedical Informatics Center, Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation, Kyushu University)
 Title: "On the Approach to the Security and Information Analysis of Human Genome Information and Clinical Information
       Title: "On the Security and Information Analysis of Human Genome Information and Clinical Information
 Abstract of Lecture:
 The significant improvement in the performance of measurement instruments has led to the development of instruments for measuring human genome information, as well as to the development of instruments for measuring single cell level spatio-temporal information.
 The significant improvement in the performance of measurement devices has led to the development of devices that measure human genome information, as well as devices that measure the spatio-temporal level of a single cell and the life log of an individual human being.
 The development of instruments for measuring human genome information, as well as instruments for measuring the spatio-temporal level at the level of a single cell, and instruments for measuring the life log of human individuals, has led to the remarkable increase in the precision and scale of omics measurements. On the other hand, appropriate information management of this information is required.
 On the other hand, appropriate information management of this information is required. In this lecture, I will discuss the security and information analysis of human genomic and clinical information.
 information security and information analysis of human genomic and clinical data, including quantum cloud computing and other technologies.
 The presentation will be based on Nagasaki's efforts, including technologies such as quantum cloud computing.

 17:00 - 17:45 General Discussion

 17:45 - 18:15 Summary 

*titles omitted  *Presentation time includes Q&A session.

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[Inquiries to:]
HPC Office, Information Management Division, Kyushu University
 Mail: request(at)iii.kyushu-u.ac.jp *(at) is replaced by @.